Growing up is not easy!

With more and more reports revealing just how unhappy young girls are with their looks, we would love to share some tips for boosting your girl’s self-esteem and protecting them from sexual and negative media content:


  • Take a strong stance against clothes or make-up that you consider to be too old or too sexual for your child. Make rules about types of clothes that are and aren’t acceptable, and stick to your rules


  • Help young girls to challenge and be critical of media images. Discuss any content you disagree with and present an alternative point of view


  • Provide them with a stable and supportive network of friends and set the right example by always standing your ground in a respectful way


  • Keep the computer or tablet in the living room where you can see what websites they visit


  • Adhere to the age advice on channels as Netflix and keep an eye on what blogs, magazines or Instagram feeds they read


  • At the same time be as open and honest as possible about sex and relationships so that their hunger for information is fed.


And, of course, let them wear Strawberry Secrets instead of age inappropriate lingerie or underwear :-)!!


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